
Only changes related to Mega development are listed bellow.


* Change lowest QualityLevel of MotionTracker to be used in Mega to Limited
* Disable AREngine on some devices that are not able to run AREngine reasonably
* Throw more explicit exception when the session has Mega but it cannot be used
* Fix a potential invalid access in the HMD template
* Update EasyAR Sense to
* Fix occasional unstable request from MegaTracker
* improve motion tracking robustness and device compatibility
* Re-enable some Xiaomi and Redmi devices when using ARCore


++ standardizing head mounted device support
+ support Pico 4E (separate authorization required)
+ support Qiyu Mix (separate authorization required)
* support Rokid UXR 2.3.5, drop old version support
+ add URP 15 compatibility
* simplify “Ask a Question” using diagnostics feature
* Update EasyAR Sense to
+ improve motion tracking robustness for large amount of devices and support more devices


++ standardizing head mounted device support
+ support Rokid UXR2
+ support AR Foundation 5 XROrigin
+ support XR Interaction Toolkit
+ add template for device vendors to connect EasyAR and device
+ unify all device samples, features can be switched without any code
+ improve Rokid UMR tracking performance, fix error on first startup when using new device SDK
++ unify and optimize diagnostics feature (partially migrated)
+ add DiagnosticsController for unified diagnostics entrance
+ add message display level and control
+ add and default turn on critical message display on screen or before eye of ARSession and service status
+ actively crash the app when license error or other unrecoverable errors happen by default to avoid misjudgment
+ add EditorCameraDeviceFrameSource for diagnostics in editor to avoid a partial copied sample to run at an unexpected manner
+ support screen rotation simulation on desktop
- remvoe GUIPopup
* multiple ARSessions are not allowed to run in the same time, EasyARController has been optimized to offer application level functions
* contents are default hide when reach 100s limit to avoid misjudgment
* fix CloudLocalizerStatus.WakingUp status not correctly converted and cause runtime error
* change WorldRootController default ActiveControl to let content stick to the screen instead of disappear
* Update EasyAR Sense to
+ support Mega CLS v3 service
+ support fisheye image input
+ optimize Mega tracking performance dramatically
+ add option for FrameRecorder to generated filename automaticaly to support usages without script


+ add support for eif metadata recorded from Mega Toolbox on Rokid devices
* Update EasyAR Sense to
+ add support for latest Mega localization service feature update
+ add support for runtime remote end point switching
* fix MegaTracker not working correctly after app resume from background
* add fixes and optimizations from 4.6.1
- remove RealTimeCoordinateTransform


* Update EasyAR Sense to
* add support for latest mega localization service optimization update
* optimize mega tracking and error handling
* optimize frame source not found message


+ add built-in AREngine support (can be used in all Unity versions)
- remove bult-in Huawei Official Unity Plugin support (no official maintenance)
* split and optimize AR Foundation (>= 4.1.3) support
* split and optimize Nreal (>= 1.6) support
* fix warning messages not show in Nreal
* Update EasyAR Sense to
* improve motion tracking robustness
* support Mega-v2 localization service optimization